Good Nature Organic Lawn Care Blog

How to Kill Thistles Organically, Without Chemicals

Written by Alec McClennan | August 16, 2019

You're heard the saying about a weed being any plant growing where it isn't wanted? I can tolerate a variety of "weeds" in a lawn, but Thistles are not one of them. Thistles are frustrating, especially if you're trying to have a kid friendly lawn. What kid wants to walk barefoot on a prickly thistle? Not mine. So, what options are there if I don't want to use potentially dangerous chemicals on the lawn?

Step 1: Purchase an Organic Weed Killer

If you are trying to kill Thistle in your lawn, but want to avoid chemicals like 2,4-D, Captain Jack's Lawnweed Brew is a good choice. Just know that you'll need to make multiple applications during the Spring and Fall to have an effective result. Thistles have a deep root system, so the idea is to keep weakening the plant at the top, preventing it from thriving over time. You may never eliminate the Thistle organically, but you probably won't eliminate it with chemicals either. The key is to stay on top of it. Captain Jack's Lawnweed Brew is easy to apply as you just have to spray the leaves well. 

Step 2: Use the Weed Out Lawn Tool for Thistles

Another method for dealing with Thistles is to just pull them out using our Weed Out Lawn Weeding Tool or Weed Out Pro Lawn Weeding Tool. They are both super easy to use and make pulling out weeds in your lawn fun! Two of the most obvious perks of this tool are that you never have to bend over to pull out the Thistle and you don't have to touch its prickly leaves.  

Step 3: Mow the Lawn

Mowing should cut the top of the Thistle off, exposing the stem and weakening its ability to thrive. If your mower is not successful in removing the top of the weed, you can break the top off with your hand, heavy glove recommended. Just try to weed it without pulling out the entire root. Then apply your Organic Weed Control of choice. It will take some time to see progress. If the Thistles don't seem affected after a week, try a reapplication. None of these approaches are a magic bullet, but they can really be effective and help you achieve less Thistles without using chemicals.

More Information about How to Kill Thistles Without Chemicals

Thistles have a very invasive root system, which is one reason why they are so difficult to eliminate. The ideal time of year to treat Thistles is late Fall, when they are pulling all their energy into their roots to prepare for Winter. Taking advantage of this seasonal function will help facilitate the absorption of the Organic Weed Control products you use.

Good Luck! Have any other suggestions? Feel free to share!