Sprinkler Orange

Watering Tips

Fight Weeds & Diseases Naturally By Watering Correctly

Watering Tips

In a perfect world, if you had great soil, you would water once per week with about 1 to 1.5 inches of water per session. This water would work its way down through the soil to the roots and everyone would be happy. Unfortunately, most of our lawns are not built with ideal soil, so this watering regime does not work. Liquid Aeration will improve your soils ability to absorb and store water. You’ll need to play with it a little to find out what is best for you. The basic principle is that you want to water as deeply as possible in as few sessions per week as possible to apply 1-1.5 inches of water each week. In other words, 5 minutes per zone every morning is a recipe for disaster!

What Do We Mean By One Inch Of Water?

To find out how long it takes your sprinkler to put down 1 inch of water, just put out an empty tuna can, or fancy water measuring cup, and time how long it takes to fill it up. That will be roughly how long it takes your sprinkler to put down 1 inch of water. During extreme periods of hot and dry weather, you will need to water your lawn for about an hour once every two weeks, just to keep it alive. Normally, the occasional thunderstorm will handle that for you, but if we don't get rain, you will want to get the sprinkler out to keep the grass alive. 

Water Tuna Can Sprinkler

Watering Basics

  1. Water deeply and infrequently. Apply 1/2 to 1 inch of water, enough to wet the soil 6-8 inches deep, in each application.
  2. Water once every 3–7 days, not everyday. Watering everyday encourages a shallow root system and invites disease problems.
  3. Water in the early morning. Don't water at night. Watering at night keeps the blades wet for a long period of time and invites disease problems.
  4. In periods of very hot weather, giving your lawn an early afternoon sprinkle, In addition to the deep watering, will cool it off a few degrees and reduce the stress that it is under.

Alternatives To Watering

Our lawns in the Midwest will naturally turn brown during severe heat and drought stress. Normally you can let them go dormant and they'll become green again when the rains return. Watering correctly will help your lawn fight off weeds and will keep it looking better overall. If using water on your lawn doesn’t make sense to you, we’d recommend having us Slice Seed your lawn or do a Lawn Renovation with our premium grass mix that doesn’t need as much water to stay green! Another option would be to add a little bit of our Green Microclover to your lawn, to reduce your need to water even further. The neighbors will wonder how your lawn stays so green without the extra maintenance. 

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